Five videos made by eight teaching artists premiered on November 14, 2020 for the Virtual Soundwalks in Chicago: A Screening & Launch Party. Hosted by the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology, they address diverse themes and interests including nature, queering in the parks, disability, and citizen science. This focus was created originally for in-person, on site soundwalks in Chicago with support from the Chicago Park District’s “Night Out In the Parks” arts and cultures program.
Due to the safety and health concerns imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, the originally planned program was canceled and adapted to a new form of virtual soundwalks. In addition to the five videos in this playlist, we include two that premiered in the Chicago Park District’s new “Your Night Out At Home” program in October 2020.
Visit to learn more on acoustic ecology, the Singing Insects Monitoring Program, Deep Listening, and field recording.
Help support our creative teaching artists’ GoFundMe campaign.