Tag: research

Chicago Wildsounds Presents ”Rooted in Sound: A Night of Soundscapes” – Thursday, March 5

Chicago Wildsounds is proud to present ”Rooted in Sound: A Night of Soundscapes” at DePaul Art Museum 5:30pm on Thursday, March 5, 2015. Featuring lecture by Dr. Bryan Pijanowski, one of today’s leading acoustic ecologists, and sound performances by Zach Moore and Owen Davis.

Classroom Acoustical Environments and Student Achievement – May 29

Lauren Ronsse, PhD. presents ”Effects of Classroom Acoustical Environments on Student Achievement”

Soundwalk at Chicago Center for Green Technology on April 17

bird habitat at Center for Green Technology
bird habitat at Center for Green Technology

Experience nature in the city

10 a.m., Saturday at the Chicago Center for Green Technology
445 N. Sacramento Blvd. (between Lake St. and Chicago Ave.), Chicago, IL 60612

Contact: Dan Godston at dgodston@gmail.com, or call 312-543-7027

You are invited to join members of the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology and World Listening Project for a soundwalk on Saturday, April 17 at the Chicago Center for Green Technology. A soundwalk is a practice of focused listening in which one moves through a soundscape with complete attention to sound. Free and open to the public, all ages, this soundwalk is being facilitated by Dan Godston, Chad Clark, and Norman Long.

Continue reading Soundwalk at Chicago Center for Green Technology on April 17