Tag: resources

“How To Soundwalk” Published on Landlines

In Part 1 of a two-part piece for Land Lines, the blog of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, MSAE founder and co-chair Eric Leonardson provides a ”How-to” primer on his soundwalking practice. Leonardson writes, “As an ecological practice, soundwalking can be an entertainment or a 

Chicago Wildsounds Presents ”Rooted in Sound: A Night of Soundscapes” – Thursday, March 5

Chicago Wildsounds is proud to present ”Rooted in Sound: A Night of Soundscapes” at DePaul Art Museum 5:30pm on Thursday, March 5, 2015. Featuring lecture by Dr. Bryan Pijanowski, one of today’s leading acoustic ecologists, and sound performances by Zach Moore and Owen Davis.

“What If Sound Matters Too?” with Scott Bernstein, Center for Neighborhood Technology

7 PM, Wednesday September 21


Columbia College, Basement, 33 E. Congress Parkway, Chicago IL 60605

CNT Logo
The Midwest Society Acoustic Ecology and Department of Audio Arts & Acoustics at Columbia College present Scott Bernstein, President of the Center for Neighborhood Technology. His presentation, titled What If Sound Matters Too?: Revisiting the Potential for Healthy Soundscape will be on Wednesday, September 21 at 7 p.m. Admission free.

Scott Bernstein is co-founder and President of the Center for Neighborhood Technology, a 33 year-old Chicago-based national innovations center that promotes healthy and productive communities. CNT’s work applies geographic information to the redesign of urban and economic systems to help reveal, focus and better utilize local resources. CNT was awarded a MacArthur Foundation Award for Creative & Effective Institutions in 2009.
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