Tag: Columbia College

“What If Sound Matters Too?” with Scott Bernstein, Center for Neighborhood Technology

Scott Bernstein suggests that both reduced noise exposure and increased intentional soundscape enhancement is achievable, affordable, and even good for the economy, providing agendas for research, demonstration, and local policies that can make healthy soundscapes attainable.

“Listening for the Future” 2010 ASAE Symposium and Retreat

The proceedings of “Listening for the Future” the American Society for Acoustic Ecology’s first-ever national symposium and retreat are to be published soon. Read a conference report published in the Sept/Oct WFAE Online Newsletter.

Listening to Our Planet

Monday, April 20 10 a.m.—6 p.m.
Conaway Center, 11 S. Wabash Ave., 1st floor
Columbia College, Chicago, IL  60605.

Listening to Our Planet is a daylong event that celebrates the Earth and its natural beauty and resources, and raises awareness about environmental issues. This multi-disciplinary event is a part of Columbia College’s Critical Encounters Earth Week 2009 program, organized under the theme of ”Human / Nature” http://www.colum.edu/criticalencounters/

Listening to Our Planet will showcase art works by individuals and community groups, including the World Listening Project. Participating departments and programs include the Columbia College English Department and New Millennium Studies program.

For more info contact Daniel Godston dgodston@gmail.com