Tag: Chicago

Neighborhood Soundwalks with Norman Long and Experimental Station

Norman Long’s Three Block Sound Walk Saturdays, Sept. 29 and Oct. 6, 12:30-1:30PM (depart from 61st and Dorchester)

Calumet Sounds

Calumet Park 9801 S. Avenue G, Chicago, IL 60617 Saturday August 4, 4—6 pm Explore the sights and sounds of the Industrial History of South East side of Chicago at Calumet Park with Norman W. Long. His project focuses on the soundscape ecology and cultural 

Night Out In The Parks 2018 Summer Soundwalk Series

Night Out In The Parks 2018 Summer Soundwalk Series

Midwest Society of Acoustic Ecology is happy to announce its third annual series with the Chicago Park District’s Night Out In the Parks program.

Break away from your daily routine. Renew your sense of place through mindfulness walks and listening in the parks.

Join your neighbors in Soundwalks led by faculty and alumni from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and fellow teaching artists for a unique outdoor experience for all ages.

Presented by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Night Out In the Parks brings arts and culture to over 500 parks across the city, free and open for public participation.

Dates, times, artists and programs are subject to change. Please visit Facebook Page or call 773-342-5012 for the most up-to-date information.