Spring 2012 Recordists Campout [RCO_2012]

May 25-27, Spring 2012 Recordists Campout at Crex Meadows, Wisconsin
Contact: Paul Dickinson pd@goshyes.com, Ron Danielson type@uwm.edu, or Rich Peet richpeet@comcast.net
Each year since 2003, a group of ten to twenty people has gathered for the purposes of sharing and recording natural sounds. The group has included sound artists, composers, birders, biologists, naturalists, media educators, filmmakers, news reporters and trackers. All have shared an interest in learning what nature has to give to their ears and the best methods for detecting and capturing these experiences. The primary learning tools have been shared excursions, in-field demonstrations, collective camping and conversation. We have enjoyed the presence of recordists with many years of experience and great intimacy with the natural surroundings as well novices eager to soak-up everything about the techniques and the environment as they can. Everyone has been welcomed and all have left fulfilled.
For Spring 2012 Paul Dickinson wrote:
We currently have two bunk cabins reserved and the mess hall. These are normally used for State Workers as well as summer camp programs. We also still have some openings if you know anyone interested in ‘Natural Sound Recording.'”
Crex wants $10.00 per head per night for use of the cabins, mess hall, and bath. We figure we will buy some basics for food/pop and charge people the least we can. Therefore, we request a contribution of $30.00 for the weekend and if we as a group want to do more we will pass the hat for additional food, pop, etc.
Note, that you will need to bring your own sleeping bag, pillow, and padlock. Each of us will have a locker that can be used to store stuff not in use that you don’t want to lock in a car.
The mess hall is a pretty good space for sound and meeting as well as food. In the past, a playback system was set up in there to share recordings with the rest of the group- it’s pretty likely that this will be the case this year as well.
More information about Crex Meadows can be obtained form their website: http://www.crexmeadows.org/
Photos of the accommodations, courtesy of Rich Peet: