Membership for 2010, Looking Ahead, Good News

Millennium Park, Chicago
Millennium Park, Chicago

A message to American Society for Acoustic Ecology members from Michelle Nagai, Membership Coordinator/Treasurer:

Greetings Members, and Happy New Year!

The time has come to renew your membership in the American Society for Acoustic Ecology.

Our membership year coincides with the calendar year. Please follow the link below to renew your membership for 2010. Note that it’s now possible to make your membership payment via PayPal, or through the mail with a check or money order.

The membership form can be accessed here directly:

And the PayPal link can be accessed here:

For those with memberships active in 2009, you’ll be receiving a copy of Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology very soon. The current volume, edited by the Australian affiliate of the WFAE, will be mailed at the end of the month.

And there is some good news to report: In 2009 we had more members than ever before. We also welcomed our newest chapter – BASE (Bay Area Sound Ecology).  Other chapters might also be forming soon in Rhode Island and the Pacific Northwest – stay tuned!

Looking ahead, we’ll hope to be joined by some of you as we head to Finland for a symposium hosted by the Finnish Society for Acoustic Ecology and the WFAE. The conference, “Ideologies and Ethics in the Uses and Abuses of Sound”, looks to be an engaging and compelling gathering of affiliates from around the globe. More details are here:

If Finland seems a long way off, perhaps you might consider joining us in Chicago in July. The founding members of the ASAE, along with leaders from each of the existing and planned chapters, will come together for a series of meetings, workshops and public events. This is a major undertaking for our organization, and an exciting moment of opportunity as we gather (for the first time) at the national level. More details on this will be forthcoming. In the meantime, please do get in touch if you have ideas to contribute or would like to be involved in planning and organizing this event  – we want to hear from you! The contact person for this is Eric Leonardson at

Thanks again for your ongoing support and participation in the American Society for Acoustic Ecology and the larger global community that we belong to.

All best wishes for a peaceful and sound new year.

Michelle Nagai
Membership Coordinator/Treasurer
American Society for Acoustic Ecology

ASAE Membership
224C Harrison Lane
Princeton NJ 08540
