Tag: WFAE Newsletter

Happy 2013! Announcing New Members, Journal, Honors & Awards

A lot of things are happening in the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology, here’s a list that includes some things you can do.

2012 news and membership reminder

Hello MSAE members and Happy New Year to you all. This message serves as a bit of a primer for 2012 as well as a call for renewing your annual memberships. Its that time of year again colleagues!  We have made it even easier to 

WFAE Newsletter Is Now Online For January-February 2012

Soundscape Journal logoThe bimonthly WFAE Newsletter is now online for January-February 2012. This multimedia publication is a supplement to WFAE’s annual Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology. Its mission is to make available in a timely manner, news, events, opportunities, and announcements from the WFAE Board, WFAE Affiliates, and other sources.