2012 news and membership reminder
Hello MSAE members and Happy New Year to you all.
This message serves as a bit of a primer for 2012 as well as a call for renewing your annual memberships. Its that time of year again colleagues! We have made it even easier to renew, also see the link below.
This year starts off with some wonderful news in our chapter and beyond.
I would like to offer my warm congratulations to Eric Lenoardson as the new Vice President of the WFAE. As many of you know, Eric has been steadily organizing and promoting our chapter here in the Midwest as well as serving as ASAE President. His hard work and dedication has been inspiring. For the latest President’s Report, please see http://wfae.net/newsletter/
I have been reviewing our interesting and diverse membership demographics. Although most of our members are in Chicago, we are in Indiana, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan. We are scientists, engineers, musicians, artists and educators. I am excited about what the New Year holds for our chapter and look forward to hearing from you. Info on our chapter’s members is on this page: https://mwsae.org/?page_id=155
Additionally, Eric and I have been exchanging ideas about an evening (or series of evenings) for MSAE members to share their work in a public setting. So far, this has been envisioned as an informal/public event (s). This might be a nice way to present either works in progress or completed pieces/research. I am really attracted to outreach like this as it really helps extend the mission of the MSAE and adds I would be most interested to hear from any MSAE members who might be interested in developing this concept, sharing ideas etc. 2011 was a very productive year for our chapter and I hope you visit, and contribute to our website. If any of you are working on projects and are looking for additional resources or potential collaborators, consider our forum as a place for exchange. Use https://mwsae.org for our website (a WordPress blog), and to contribute to our discussion group use http://groups.google.com/group/midwestsociety-ae
Members can also email mailto:midwestsociety-ae@googlegroups.com instead of going to the web page of the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology Google Group. Forthcoming are more audio, slides, and documents from past events.
Regarding future events in 2012.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale will be hosting a symposium starting in mid-March entitled Antarctica: Imagined Geographies. This interdisciplinary symposium will be of interest to acoustic ecologists as both Andrea Polli and Doug Quinn will be lecturing and presenting their work. I promise details for those March and April events very soon.
I am excited about what the New Year holds for our chapter and look forward to hearing from you.
Cheers and all my best,
Jay Needham
MSAE Co-Chair
ASAE board member
Renew your membership via PayPal button for easy online payment: https://mwsae.org/?page_id=2
Visitors to the website https://mwsae.org will see that we also have a Facebook Page and Twitter profile: