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Hi everybody, welcome to my personal page of our Nexus workshop web site.
I was born in Milano, Italy on June 1952, played my first gig at age 18, so that makes it some 36 years since I'm a working jazz musician. I play tenor saxophone, mainly, and baritone, and during my career I've had the pleasure and privilege to play, work and record with a huge number of great musicians/friends such as Tiziano Tononi, in the first place,with whom I share a mutual musical career starting from 1979, and: all the guys in the Italian Instabile Orchestra, Mark Dresser, Herb Robertson, Dewey Redman, Roswell Rudd, Cecil Taylor, Glenn Ferris, Nels Cline, Raphael Garrett, Jean Jacques Avenel, Oliver Johnson, Willem Breuker, Wolter Wierbos, Evan Parker, Paul Lytton, Elliott Sharp, Jerry Granelli, Keith Tippett and many, many others.
Anything you might be interested in asking or telling me, please don't esitate to write, it will be my pleasure to talk with you.
Daniele Cavallanti
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