The May – June, 2010 WFAE Newsletter Now online
The bimonthly WFAE Newsletter is now online for May-June, 2010. This publication is a supplement to the annual Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology. Its mission is to make available in a timely manner, news, events, and announcements from the WFAE Board, WFAE Affiliates, and other sources.
Each newsletter includes:
- Affiliate Reports
- Events Calendar: Updates on current world-wide events in acoustic ecology.
- Opportunities: Call for papers and projects
- News Clips and Sound Bites: Headlines from the world press related to sound issues.
- Research Feature.
- Resources: Books, video, web, and other media.
The WFAE Newsletter is a commercial free publication of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology.
About the WFAE:
The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE), founded in 1993, is an international association of affiliated organizations and individuals, who share a common concern with the state of the world’s soundscapes. Our members represent a multi-disciplinary spectrum of individuals engaged in the study of the social, cultural and ecological aspects of the sonic environment.
The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology encourages your participation in the growth and development of regional affiliate groups around the world. Learn more about becoming a member by visiting the WFAE web site:
WFAE members receive the annual publication Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology.