Tag: soundscape

World Listening Day 2016 | Sounds Lost and Found

You are invited to participate in World Listening Day 2016 ”Sounds Lost and Found”

Night Out In The Parks – Chicago Soundwalk Series Starts, June 23—25

Join your neighbors in soundwalks with teaching artists and scientists for a unique outdoor experience in our sound environment, as a listener and performer of your soundscape. Chicago Park District’s Night Out in the Parks soundwalks series explore our relationship the sounds around us. Discover 

Spring Fest, June 10

flowers in test tube artSpring Fest

A Celebration of

Citizen Science and Stewardship

Palmisano Park

2700 S. Halsted Street, Chicago Illinois

June 10 5:30 to 9:00 PM

Come out for a day of celebration in one of Chicago’s beautiful natural spaces! Learn to identify local birds and plants, listen to the sounds of nature, and soak in musical and theatrical performances. While enjoying the festivities, you will also learn more about opportunities to study and protect Chicago’s natural treasures.

At 6:30 MSAE Co-chair, Eric Leonardson leads a soundwalk, followed by a panel discussion from 7:30 to 8:30. Leonardson speaks on ecoacoustics and acoustic ecology, including our projects with The 606 Soundscape, Night Out In The Parks, and World Listening Day 2016.

Festival located at the south entrance across from McGuane Park

(312) 747-6497

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