Tag: sounds

In The Media: “Sound experts make art of the noise all around us” by Barbara Brotman

“Soundscape awareness…draws attention to an ever-changing relationship between people, who make sound, listen to it and are affected by it; sounds themselves; and the environment.” “Sound experts make art of the noise all around us” interview with MSAE co-founder, Eric Leonardson by Barbara Brotman, published 

Water Music on the Beach – Sunday, September 7

2-5 PM Sunday, September 7 At the beach next to The Waterfront Cafe, in Berger Park This series of live performances responds to and highlights Chicago’s proximity to water. The compositions and scores – involving multiple performers and solo performances – reflect, react to, or personify 

Tuesday Evenings at the MCA: Our Sonic Playground

6—8:00 pm Oct 22, 2013

Museum of Contemporary Art
220 E Chicago Avenue
Chicago IL 60611
Admission: FREE

Sounds are all around us, creating our environments, our sense of place and influencing our social interactions.

For this week’s Tuesday Evenings at the Museum of Contemporary Art, local sound artist and experimental musician Eric Leonardson collaborates with students and faculty from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago(SAIC) and members of the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology to lead a unique, interactive sound workshop. Guided soundwalks and listening exercises are designed to engage awareness of the social, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of sound. You can collect your own sounds with portable field recorders as you explore ways to study and enjoy the voices of our local environment. End the evening with a group phonography performance, during which you are invited to playback and share with others the sounds you’ve discovered and recorded in the museum.

Participating SAIC faculty include Lindsey French from the Department of Art and Technology Studies, and Monica Ryan with Eric Leonardson, from the Department of Sound.

MCA info: http://www2.mcachicago.org/event/our-sonic-playground/

Join our Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MidwestSociety.AcousticEcology/events