Tag: conference

2014 Year-in-Review

We hope this New Year has started off well for you as we take time to reflect and take note of our recent activities and future prospects. Happily, the MSAE had an extremely productive 2014, that overflows into some highlights for this new year 2015.

2nd competition art! ⋈ climate

Sound Art Miniatures CEIArtE – UNTREF Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre Climate and Development Knowledge Network International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Overseas Development Institute (ODI) More information: http://ceiarteuntref.edu.ar/art_climate_2014 The proposals should be focused on the following theme: CATEGORY A: “Sea Level Rise” CATEGORY B: 

WFAE Conferences In 2014 | Call For Abstracts and Audioworks In March

Two important events will take place in 2014, endorsed by the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE). Sound In the Land is a 4-day festival and conference happening June 5-9 at the University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada). Invisible Places | Sounding Cities is a 3-day symposium on sound, urbanism and sense of place happening on July 18-20 in Viseu, Portugal within the annual Jardins Efémeros (Ephemeral Gardens) arts festival.

Submissions and proposals for Sound In the Land will be accepted until March 15, 2014. The deadline for submissions (abstracts and audio works) for Invisible Places has been extended to March 31, 2014.

Continue reading WFAE Conferences In 2014 | Call For Abstracts and Audioworks In March