Ryerson Woods Soundwalk Map

Here’s the hand-drawn map our soundwalkers made, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM on 20 November, 2016, noting the various sounds heard on-site around Ryerson Cabin on the Des Plaines River.
Sound map made by soundwalkers. Photo by Eric Leonardson.Below is a map of the route, starting from the Brushwood Center to Ryerson Cabin and back. Open Ryerson house to Ryerson cabin to view the route and photos taken along the path.
This soundwalk was led by me, Eric Leonardson with support from the Brushwood Center. As noted in the hand-drawn map shown in the photo above, among the sounds heard were small airplanes flying overhead, Sandhill Cranes, ducks (species unidentified), Flicker and another unidentified woodpecker, burbling water in the river, and our footsteps on dry leaves and mulch.