Welcome Billie Howard and Farewell Amanda Gutierrez

Welcome Billie Howard and Farewell Amanda Gutierrez

Amanda Gutierrez has been both a great asset in MSAE’s 2018-19 transition toward building a sustainable and accountable leadership in Chicago and the Midwest region. Her exemplary soundwalks and media projects introduced new ideas and audiences bridge and incorporate the concerns of sound studies and 

Hear Below: Listening to Chicago Underground

While other sightseeing tours of the Chicago pedway are offered to the public, Christopher Preissing’s approach departed from the typical visual emphasis for the aural. Soundwalkers listened for the distinctive sounds and ever-present tones that define the pedway’s many rooms, corridors, and their occupants.

World Listening Day 2019: Listening With

World Listening Day 2019: Listening With

You are invited to participate in World Listening Day 2019, an annual global event held every July 18. This year’s theme is LISTENING WITH created by internationally acclaimed sound artist Annea Lockwood. Listening with … listening with the neighborhood at midnight, and again at dawn.