Reflections On Listening Across Boundaries: World Listening Day 2022

By Eric Leonardson Each year the World Listening Project selects a thought leader to devise a theme for World Listening Day. The 2022 theme of “Listening Across Boundaries” was created by musician, composer, and marine biologist Heather R. Spence. The Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology provided 

World Listening Day 2020, The Collective Field

This year’s theme, created by Wild Sanctuary Vice President Katherine Krause is “The Collective Field.”

Hear Below: Listening to Chicago Underground

While other sightseeing tours of the Chicago pedway are offered to the public, Christopher Preissing’s approach departed from the typical visual emphasis for the aural. Soundwalkers listened for the distinctive sounds and ever-present tones that define the pedway’s many rooms, corridors, and their occupants.