Call for Participation: H2O Virtual Symposium

Call for Participation: H2O Virtual Symposium

WLD2015 H2OWorld Listening Day 2015 will include the World Listening Day H2O virtual symposium on July 17-18, hosted on WaterWheel, an electronic publication, and hundreds of events taking place across the globe.

World Listening Day is co-organized by the World Listening Project (WLP), the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology (MSAE) and Biosphere Soundscapes. For more about this year’s H2O theme  please visit “Ž

We seek contributions to the symposium for presentation via WaterWheel at

Please join in the World Listening Day 2015 activities. Email about your plans and be sure to include ”World Listening Day” in the subject line. Or, fill out the World Listening Day 2015 online participation form.

Use the hashtag #WLD2015 to connect with other local and global groups participating in the World Listening Day 2015: H2O and get involved.
